clear and balance all seven chakras - man sitting in yoga pose with shapes around his head and hands on sides with title text

8 Best Ways to Clear and Balance All Seven Chakras

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Keeping your chakras balanced and aligned is the key to a happy, healthy life. These centers of energy bring balance to your physical, mental, and spiritual self.

When you have healthy chakras, you are in touch with yourself and your surroundings. You’re less likely to get stressed out or snap at people around you because you know who you are.

Keeping your chakras aligned doesn’t have to be difficult. It just takes consistency and dedication. Below are the 9 best ways that will help clear and balance all seven chakras and as a consequence become more empowered, healthier, and more in touch with your true self.

To get started on a positive note in your chakra healing journey, try out this amazing mala healing necklace that can also bring prosperity and abundance to your life.

clear and balance all seven chakras negative people - silhouette of one person stopping another from running into him and silhouette of meditation pose

1. Don’t hang out with negative people

One of the best things to do to clear and balance all seven chakras is to be more selective with the people you spend time with. Sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? You might be thinking, “But my friends bring me up, they help me with my self-esteem, and they are there for me when I need them. Why would I cut them out of my life?”

Well, it might come as a shock, but if you want to clear and balance all your chakras then you need to remove negative energies by removing negative people around you.

If you’re hanging out with people who bring you down, who criticize you, or make you feel bad about yourself, they are negatively affecting your chakras and that’s a big no-no. But they may also affect you more subtly than this and actually be friendly around you but think and speak negatively about you when they are not around.

These too can affect your chakras and they are more dangerous forces as they are more subtle and disguised but their power is as strong.

Protect your emotional stability from negative and energy-draining people using this mesmerizing Amethyst And Tiger Eye crystal necklace.

2. Watch what you eat

You might think that your diet has nothing to do with your chakras, but it does. Food and drink are carriers of energy. They are a reflection of your mental state, your health, and your emotions and can be a great teammate when you want to clear and balance all seven chakras. That’s why it’s important to watch what you’re eating and drinking. If you’re constantly eating food that’s bad for your body, or drinking too much alcohol, or too much coffee – you’ll throw your chakras out of balance.

Try out different diets that are more color-rich and most importantly eat in a peaceful stress-free environment. Thoroughly chew your food and be more conscious of it. Think about the effort that has been put into every piece of food from its first seed to being on your plate. You will be amazed at the positive effects that more conscious eating will have on your body, mind, and spirit.

3. Cultivate Gratitude and Self-Love

No doubt, one of the best and easiest ways to clear and balance all seven chakras is to be conscious of the good things in your life. Not only things that happen but all the bad things that could have happened with you or loved ones and hopefully many of which didn’t happen.

There are many other ways to cultivate gratitude and self-love, but the easiest way to start is by keeping a gratitude journal as there are actual studies that have shown the big benefits a gratitude journal can have for your health. Every day, write down things that you’re grateful for. Being aware of the positives instead of focusing on the negatives can help you keep all your chakras balanced and aligned.

4. Create a Daily Ritual

Clear and balance all seven chakras with this other great simple tip. Create a ritual that works for you. It can be as simple as the above gratitude journal, or a method that involves yoga, meditation, or another type of practice that brings you into your center. Reading your favorite spiritual book is another great little ritual that can bring perspective and help you start the day with perspective and a clear mind.

5. Meditate and Breathe

What do meditation and breathing techniques have to do with keeping your chakras aligned? Everything. When we practice a breathing technique such as the Pranamaya breathing technique, we are in tune with the present moment and we promote health in various ways within the body and mind. We are in tune with our chakras and our bodies, and we can focus more clearly.

This is important because it helps us to navigate life’s ups and downs with more ease. It keeps us from getting too stressed out and keeps us from snapping at people around us. As a consequence, you keep your chakras undisturbed and protect yourself from further negativity and bad health.

6. Exercise Regularly

Another great way to clear and balance all seven chakras, exercising is not just about losing weight and getting in shape. It’s about staying in tune with your body and your chakras. After all the body, mind, and spirit are all connected. They cannot be working independently of each other.

When you exercise regularly in a form of yoga, weight-lifting, or jogging, you increase your flow of energy, which keeps your chakras in balance. On top of that, you also improve your self-esteem, which will consequently further help strengthen your chakras and protect yourself from outside forces.

7. Learn to Let Go to Clear and Balance all Seven Chakras

Not commonly mentioned when it comes to methods on how to clear and balance chakras, learning to let go of things is more important than you think. Holding onto grudges, bitterness, and resentment is like poison to you and your energies.

This extremely bad habit simply away at you and keep you in a negative place where you can’t grow. Letting go allows you to forgive yourself and move on from harmful situations. Not letting go of things will make all of your daily tasks harder and will hamper your ability to self-heal, self-love, and overall well-being and health.

8. Celebrate your uniqueness

When you’re insecure, you look for approval from others. You’re trying to please everyone and fit into their expectations. This makes you lose yourself. It makes you feel like you don’t fit in and that you’re not good enough.

But when you celebrate your uniqueness, you are comfortable in your skin. You are confident in your strengths and weaknesses and that helps to clear and balance all seven chakras.

You feel like you belong, and these positive emotions sprouting from your awareness of your uniqueness are a great way to balance and protect your chakras from outside and even inside forces.

Final Words

Keeping your chakras aligned is the key to a happy, healthy life. These centers of energy bring balance to your physical, mental, and spiritual self. When you have centered chakras, you are in touch with yourself and your surroundings. You’re less likely to get stressed out or snap at people around you because you know who you are. Keeping your chakras aligned doesn’t have to be difficult. It just takes consistency and dedication.

These are my methods on how to clear and balance all seven chakras. Let me know what you think about these and which one you feel you need to add to your life.

Also, help others get the inspiration and motivation to start their healing journey by sharing your experiences in your healing journey.

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