what crystals are good for sacral chakra - sacral chakra symbol with colourful crystals around it

8 Best Crystals for Sacral Chakra Healing

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‍‍The sacral chakra is one of the seven energy centers in the human body. It is also known as the Svadhishthana chakra and is located at the base of your spine and above your tailbone.

It represents your primal drive for pleasure, reproduction, and connection with others. When this center is unbalanced, you might feel disconnected from your intuition or experience issues regarding sexuality and intimacy.

If you want to learn more about crystals come back to this site and check out my list of the 10 best crystals for mental health as well as the best crystals to use every day for all your needs and goals.

Using these best crystals for sacral chakra healing can lead to increased confidence in social and sexual situations along with an overall more positive outlook on life.

But first, let’s better understand the Sacral Chakra by looking at how to identify a blocked sacral chakra. Then we will jump straight into the best crystals for sacral chakra healing along with the three crystals I like to use for myself.

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How to Know If Your Sacral Chakra is Out of Balance

When the energy of your sacral chakra is unbalanced, you might experience issues like feeling disconnected from your intuition, experiencing sexual dysfunction, or lack of creativity.

You can also experience an inability to express yourself as an individual, a fear of intimacy, a feeling of not being good enough, or an inability to let go of the past. Here are some other symptoms of a blocked sacral chakra.:

  • You feel empty inside or lack the motivation to do anything.
  • You feel disconnected from your partner, both physically and emotionally.
  • You experience feelings of guilt or shame.
  • You are unable to let go of things from the past.
  • You are too dependent on others.

Turquoise Crystal for a Disrupted Sacral Chakra

Turquoise is one of the most effective crystals for healing the sacral chakra. It helps you find your inner strength, boost your self-confidence, and become more creative in your daily life.

This crystal can also help you overcome feelings of isolation, fears of intimacy, and feelings of not being good enough. It is a highly beneficial crystal for women who are going through menopause.

It can help reduce symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. You can place a piece of turquoise crystal in a bowl of water as an easy method to cleanse and purify the energy of this crystal regularly.

Amethyst Crystal for Courage

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for sacral chakra healing and other chakras as well. It helps you break out of your comfort zone and face your fears. This crystal can assist you in finding the courage to overcome depression and anxiety.

It can also help you let go of past hurts and forgive yourself for making mistakes. Amethyst like all other crystals can be cleansed and recharged if you leave it overnight under the moonlight.

Tigers Eye Crystal for Creativity

Tigers Eye Crystal can assist you in letting go of the past and moving forward with your life with a positive outlook. It can help you break free from feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt.

Pink Calcite: Helps release shame and guilt

Pink Calcite is another great crystal to add to this list of the best crystals for sacral chakra healing. It can assist you in releasing feelings of guilt and shame. It can help you overcome sexual dysfunction and negative feelings about yourself. Pink Calcite can also help you release feelings of resentment and increase your feelings of self-worth.

Goldstone Crystal for Ambition

Goldstone is a beautiful crystal to help heal the sacral chakra. It can assist you in overcoming low self-esteem and negative feelings about yourself. This crystal can help you achieve your goals and stay focused on what you want in life. It can help you stay grounded, calm, and focused in stressful situations.

best crystals for sacral chakra healing text over sacral chakra symbol and crystal illustrations

My Top 3 Crystals For Sacral Chakra Healing

You might like any of the crystals above, but if you want more information about crystals related to chakras, here are some of my 3 favorite crystals for sacral chakra healing and healing chakras in general.

Carnelian Crystal for Confidence

Carnelian is a powerful crystal that can help heal your sacral chakra and boost your confidence. It can assist you in overcoming low self-esteem and negative feelings about yourself. This crystal can help you achieve your goals and stay focused on what you want in life.

Moonstone Crystal for Emotional Balance

Moonstone is truly one of the most beneficial crystals for healing the sacral chakra. It can assist you in finding your emotional balance and releasing old wounds from the past that have been holding you back.

It can help you let go of things from the past and forgive yourself for making mistakes. This crystal can also assist you in overcoming sexual dysfunction and low self-esteem.

Aventurine Crystal for Self-Expression

Aventurine is another beautiful crystal and the last crystal on this list of the best crystals for sacral chakra healing. is a crystal that can assist you in finding your creative expression and confidence in who you are as an individual.

For a complete chakra crystal set check out this 33pcs set with crystal and healing stones that has many of the crystals listed here.

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Final Words

These chakra energy centers or energy wheels can become blocked with negative energy, which can lead to disease in the body. Regularly cleansing your chakras can help eliminate negative energy and promote healing in the body.

For maximum efficiency, you should also cleanse crystals by letting them outside in the sun for a few days or even under the moonlight.

You can also try meditation, yoga, or prayer or even use essential oils for chakra healing. Whichever method you choose, make sure to always remember about chakras and that you need to pay some attention to them from time to time, although daily chakra care would be the best for you as it will help stay healthy both physically and emotionally a regular basis.

What do you think about this list of best crystals for sacral chakra healing? Did you find it useful?

What is your experience with crystals and chakra healing techniques in general? Do you have any unique experiences to share? Let others know about your journey and help motivate starting their healing journey as well.

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