clear and activate the heart chakra - heart chakra symbol with light bursting from its center

Top Ways Clear and Activate the Heart Chakra

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There’s nothing quite like opening your heart to another person and allowing them inside you that way. However, it’s not always so easy for us to open our hearts again.

When this happens, it can feel like something is missing inside of us. If you feel like there is something blocking your ability to open up your heart once again, read on to learn more about what the Anahata is and the best ways to clear and activate the heart chakra.

Root Chakra Healing Bracelet: Check out this amazing root chakra healing necklace to help heal the support of all your chakras.

What Is the Heart Chakra Responsible For?

Your heart chakra is the center of your emotional self. It’s also the least understood of your seven chakras, partly because its meaning has been distorted and over-romanticized.

When most people think of the heart chakra, they imagine a fairy tale love scenario. Sure, this center of emotion may be associated with an unrequited love from time to time. But on a deeper level, opening up your heart chakra can transform every area of your life including relationships.

When this chakra is healthy and open, you will be able to experience a great deal of love and compassion inside of you regardless of whether there is the person you love in your life. You’ll be able to feel a sense of oneness with the world around you, and you’ll be more empathetic towards people and animals as well.

The heart chakra is also responsible for your sense of connection to others and in today’s world is more important than ever to clear and activate the heart chakra. When your heart chakra is open, you will feel very closely tied to the people in your life. You’ll be able to recognize the importance of your relationships and recognize the depth of connection that you have with those closest to you.

You can learn more about heart chakra by reading this full book exclusively dedicated to the heart chakra.

How do you know if your heart chakra is blocked?

If your heart chakra is blocked, it means that you are protecting and closing yourself off from the rest of the world. You probably don’t even realize that you are doing this, but you are. The heart chakra is, by nature, an open organ that allows all of the love inside of you to flow out freely into the world.

When it is blocked, you will feel very isolated and alone inside of your mind. You may even feel like the rest of the world is out to get you. The good news is that recognizing the signs of a blocked heart chakra is the first step toward unblocking it again. When you understand and accept why your heart chakra is closed off, it becomes much easier to figure out how to reopen it.

Check out more on chakra healing here on my other blog psot: How to Balance All Your Chakras – A Complete Guide

What Blocks the Heart Chakra?

Before learning how to clear and activate the heart chakra let’s see what are some things that create a blockage of this energy center.

There are a lot of different things that can block your heart chakra, but they all have one thing in common; they all cause you to feel some level of fear. When you feel afraid of something, your body immediately begins to shut down, and your heart chakra is one of the first things to go.

The most common thing to block your heart chakra is an unhealthy relationship. If you are in a relationship that makes you feel trapped or afraid, your heart chakra will most likely close up.

You may also close off your heart chakra because of an experience or trauma that was too difficult for you to deal with. You may shut down your heart chakra in response to a breakup, a family death, or another challenging situation.

What How To Open My Heart Chakra?

Opening your heart chakra is all about letting go of the fear that is inside of you. No matter what caused your heart chakra to close in the first place, you need to learn to let go of those fears.

This can be a bit difficult if you’re not sure what those fears are, but that’s where meditation and mindfulness come in. When you meditate, you can separate yourself from your thoughts and control your own emotions for a short period. This is a great way to let go of the fears that are blocking your heart chakra and open up your chakra in the process.

When you clear and activate the heart chakra, you’ll also be able to feel a connection to the rest of the world again. You’ll be able to recognize the importance of your relationships and recognize the depth of connection that you have with those closest to you.

Take a look at the relationships in your life and see which ones are healthy and which ones are unhealthy. You can also be kinder to yourself by acknowledging the challenges that you’ve been through that may have caused your heart chakra to close up in the first place.

how to heal heart chakra with crystals - pointed crystals standing on a desk with sun light bursting through them

Crystals to Open Your Heart Chakra

Rose Quartz: Free from Past Traumas

Whether you try to heal past trauma through meditation or are going at the moment through challenging times such as a divorce or grief, rose quartz can be of great help. Wear a bracelet or necklace for daily protection but you can also use rose quartz crystal in your healing meditation sessions and place the crystal on the heart area.

I use this 5-star beautiful rose quartz pyramid in my home and as for wearables I like this top-seller Rose Quartz necklace.

Rhodochrosite: Peace and Self Love

Self Love is an important attitude to clear and activate the heart chakra. The beautiful red-colored Rhodochrosite crystal can help you see yourself as the valuable person you are or even help you become someone who you will love and accept more.

For the home or office options, you can get Rhodochrosite crystal here whilst for a wearable alternative look at this Rhodochrosite bracelet.

Jade: Healing & Balance

“Gold is valuable, but Jade is priceless.” is what an ancient saying writes. using this miraculous crystal helps clear your heart chakra and balance yourself emotionally and mentally. Also known for attracting abundance the Jade crystal can also help your self-esteem and self-love.

For home or office, use this affordable Jade animal figurine to help clear and activate the heart chakra, whilst for a wearable Jade crystal you can’t g wrong with this one here.

Amazonite: Success and Harmony

Harmony with yourself and your everyday life is another important aspect that can heal or block a heart chakra. Amazonite can help you clear a heart chakra blockage by bringing harmony and success into your material life. Use Amazonite at the workplace to help attract new opportunities or use the crystal by itself when relaxing to help attract new business ideas.

For home or office heart chakra healing and protection try this Amazonite crystal tower. If you want something to wear try this beautiful necklace made from Amazonite that also glows in the dark.

In addition to the healing crystals mentioned here for heart chakra healing, you can also take advantage of the healing properties of crystals by using a chakra-focused essential oil set such as this one here.

What Are the Symptoms of Heart Chakra Opening?

When your clear and activate the heart chakra, you will start to feel the effects almost immediately. You may feel an overwhelming sense of love and compassion for the people around you and you may find that you are much more empathetic toward them as well.

When your heart chakra is open, you will feel a very strong connection to the people in your life. You’ll be able to recognize the importance of your relationships and recognize the depth of connection that you have with those closest to you.

Final Words

The heart chakra is one of the most important chakras in the body. It’s responsible for our sense of connection to the world around us, our ability to both give and receive love, and our overall sense of happiness.

When you clear and activate the heart chakra, you will feel a strong connection to the people in your life and you will be able to recognize the importance of your relationships. You will feel a sense of bliss and happiness inside of you and you will be able to give and receive love freely.

Which of the methods and tools are you going to try in healing your Anahata chakra? Have you tried any of them yet and experienced the benefits? Help others motivate in starting in their healing journey by speaking about your chakra healing experiences.

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