how to balance your chakras for beginners - silhouette in mediation pose with chakra symbols and hands sideways in mid air

Emotions Associated with Each Chakra

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Everyone knows that the mind, body, and spirit all work together to keep us happy, healthy, and balanced. But what exactly do those words mean and how do they work together?

Chakras are energy centers in the body that help regulate your emotions, your health, and your overall way of thinking and reacting to certain situations.

If you want to balance all your chakras this is a practice that helps bring harmony to our lives. It involves clearing blockages and restoring balance to our seven main chakras.

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What can block your chakras?

There are several factors that can potentially block your chakras and lead to poor health. Here are some quick examples of things that can cause chakra blockages.


Emotional baggage can be a big contributor to chakra blockages. If you’ve been holding onto a lot of negative emotions from the past and haven’t been processing them, those emotions can get stuck in your body and cause blockages and imbalances in your chakras.

For example, many people who have had a traumatic experience in their past have a lot of fear and anxiety stored in their bodies from that experience. If you suffer from chronic anxiety, it can come from these unresolved emotions that are getting stuck in your energy field and your chakras.

Self-Love Matters

Another common reason for chakra blockages is a lack of self-love and self-care. If you aren’t treating yourself well and caring for your physical, mental, and emotional health, it’s going to show up in your chakras. The root chakra is often the chakra that is the most impacted when you aren’t practicing self-love.

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Top symptoms of blocked chakras

Before diving into the techniques for healing chakras let’s first take note of some of the symptoms associated with chakra imbalances.

  • An imbalance between the root and sacral chakras can make you overly obsessed with sex and intimacy.
  • An imbalance between the sacral and solar plexus chakras can make you feel overly emotional and sensitive to other people’s negative emotions.
  • An imbalance between the solar plexus and heart chakras can make you feel emotionally closed off, unable to express your emotions.
  • An imbalance between the heart and throat chakras can make you have a hard time speaking your truth and expressing what you feel.
  • An imbalance between the throat and third eye chakras can make you feel like you’re living in a fantasy world and unable to see the reality surrounding you.
  • An imbalance between the third eye and crown chakras can make you feel like you’re stuck in an illusion and unable to see the bigger picture of life.

Now let’s take each chakra individually and better explore its qualities and how each of the seven chakras might affect your daily life. To do this we will have a look at the emotions associated with each chakra. This way helps us get a better understanding of which chakra needs attention and helps us balance all your chakras.

After checking the emotional symptoms of blocked chakras we will dive into some of the methods to help heal and balance all your chakras, especially using crystals and stones.

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ways to balance chakras chakra emotions - chakras symbols with text overlay

What Emotions are associated with the Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of your spine and is associated with the color red. When the root chakra is out of balance, you will feel a lot of fear, worry, doubt, and insecurity.

Having strong roots is important in life since it gives you a sense of security and belonging. When you feel like you have a strong sense of belonging, you won’t feel like you’re walking around in a constant state of fear, worry, doubt, and insecurity.

An imbalanced root chakra can make you feel like an outsider like nobody understands you, and like you don’t have a place where you truly belong.

What Emotions are associated with the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen and is associated with the color orange. When the sacral chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel many different emotions including fear, guilt, shame, anger, resentment, and jealousy.

If you’ve suffered from trauma and have repressed emotions, those repressed emotions can get stuck in the sacral chakra. When those emotions are trapped, it can cause the sacral chakra to become imbalanced and lead to physical, mental, and emotional issues.

What Emotions are associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is located in your upper abdomen and is associated with the color yellow. When the solar plexus chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel emotions like shame, doubt, insecurity, and feeling like you don’t belong.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with your self-worth and self-esteem. If this chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel like you aren’t valuable, doubt your abilities, and feel like you don’t deserve anything good in your life.

What Emotions are associated with the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located in your chest and is associated with the color green. When the heart chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel emotions like anger, resentment, jealousy, and a lack of forgiveness or compassion.

The heart chakra is associated with your ability to love, forgive, and connect with others on a deeper level. If this chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel like you can’t forgive others, feel disconnected from others, and hold onto feelings of anger, resentment, and jealousy.

What Emotions are associated with the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is located in your neck and is associated with the color blue. When the throat chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel emotions like fear, doubt, and a lack of creativity.

The throat chakra is associated with your ability to speak your truth, ask for what you want, and be creative. If this chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel like you can’t speak your truth for fear of being judged, doubt your abilities to be creative, and also be in a constant state of fear and alertness that you might not even be aware of.

What Emotions are associated with the Third eye chakra

The third eye chakra is located in between your eyebrows and is associated with the color indigo. When the third eye chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel emotions like anxiety, worry, and a lack of clarity.

The third eye chakra is associated with your ability to see the big picture, have a clear vision of your life, and be in the now moment. If this chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel like you’re stuck in a perpetual state of worry, feel anxious and nervous all the time, and an inability to see the bigger picture of life and do things from a wider perspective.

What Emotions are associated with the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of your head and is associated with the color violet. When the crown chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel emotions like guilt, self-judgment, and a lack of forgiveness and compassion for yourself.

Similarly to the third eye chakra, the crown chakra is associated with your ability to see the bigger picture. Guilt and self-judgment and seeing the good things in others are other traits associated with this important chakra.

If this chakra is out of balance, it can cause you to feel like you’re always judging yourself and being too hard on yourself, feel guilty for things you don’t need to feel guilty for and feel like you can’t forgive yourself for mistakes you’ve made in the past.

balance each chakra techniques - chakra symbols with silhouettes of various chakra healing methods and text overlay

How to heal and balance your root chakra

As we mentioned already the root chakra is located at the base/sacral area of your body. It controls your sense of security and is directly related to your sense of belonging. If your root chakra is out of whack, you might feel as though you don’t belong.

Good ways to heal/balance your root chakra include:

Connecting with nature is another great way to help heal your root chakra. You can go outside and spend time in nature, or you can even bring nature indoors. Bringing plants indoors is a great way to bring nature into your home. You can also listen to the sounds of nature that you can find on youtube on so many channels.

Meditating is another great way to help heal your root chakra. It’s a practice that helps you become more in tune with your body and your emotions. It’s a wonderful way to help heal your root chakra and ease your anxiety.

Writing is another wonderful way to help heal and balance your root chakra. When you write about your feelings, it helps you heal and process them better. It’s a great way to help heal your root chakra and feel more connected to yourself.

How to heal and balance your Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen/pelvic area. Again, this controls your creative energy and is directly related to your sexuality and emotional connection with others. Feeling disconnected from your creative self, and feeling like you are not able to have an emotional connection with others might be a symptom of a sacral chakra blockage.

Good ways to heal/balance your sacral chakra include: Meditating, Journaling, Connecting with nature, and Expressing your emotions.

Meditating is a wonderful way to heal and balance all chakras including the sacral chakra. When you meditate, you are focused solely on yourself and your needs. It’s a wonderful way to help heal your sacral chakra and feel more in tune with yourself.

Journaling is another great way to help heal and balance your sacral chakra. When you write down your feelings, you are processing them and helping your emotions heal and balance.

How to heal and balance your solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is located in your abdominal area. It controls self-esteem and is directly related to your sense of confidence. If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you might feel as though you are not good enough, and you might also feel nervous and anxious.

Good ways to heal/balance your solar plexus chakra include: Exercising, Writing, Practicing yoga, and Meditating.

Exercising is a wonderful way to help unblock your solar plexus chakra. It’s a wonderful way to get in touch with your emotions and feel more confident in yourself.

As above writing is another good way to help heal and balance your solar plexus chakra. Writing about your feelings and thoughts helps you better understand yourself and be more confident by better understanding your weaknesses and your strengths too.

Practicing yoga is a great way to help heal your solar plexus chakra. Yoga takes patience and dedication. Doing it consistently will help you balance all your chakras while also helping you build that self-confidence by doing things that you once thought are too hard for you.

How to heal and balance your Heart Chakra

The Heart chakra is located in the center of your chest. It controls your ability to love and be loved, and it’s directly related to your sense of compassion.

Good ways to heal/balance your heart chakra include: Yoga, Making art, and Meditating

Getting in touch with art is another great way to help heal and balance your heart chakra. Good art touches on emotions that normally you might not be expressing or even experiencing.

Listen to good classical or other instrumental music or even better, start practicing art on your own. Painting, piano, creative writing (even blogging), or any other more modern art form such as photography.

These simple creative practices can help express yourself and touch on emotions that eventually will help open and heal your Anahata Chakra.

How to heal and balance your Throat chakra

The Throat chakra is located at the base of the throat, at the center of the larynx. To help heal this chakra try to let go of any self-doubt and guilt that you may be feeling. This may be easier said than done, but you will not be able to unblock your throat chakra if you are not confident enough to express yourself.

Another way to unblock your throat chakra is to find a creative outlet that allows you to express yourself. This can be anything from writing poetry to creating art such as photography or music. Or anything that you believe fits you and it’s easy to start doing and help clear and heal your throat chakra.

If you don’t feel the creative flow simply start expressing yourself by writing in a journal and make this a daily ritual. Doesn’t have to be the perfect writing or the greatest ideas ever written down. Also, you get extra points if you write with pen and paper rather than digitally.

Finally, you can do some energy work on your throat chakra to unblock it. You can do this by meditating while focusing on your throat chakra. You can also do this while looking in the mirror so that you can see the chakra in your reflection as well.

How to heal and balance your Third Eye chakra

The third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead. It is associated with being intuitive, having trust in your abilities, and mental clarity, and even helping you foresee things that might happen in the future.

Without a balanced third-eye chakra, you might have issues trusting your instincts and doing things that are not in your best interest. It’s also possible that you will feel a lack of trust in others.

Good ways to heal/balance your third eye chakra include: As above – exercising, Meditating, Writing, and Practicing yoga are great ways to heal this third eye chakra. You can try meditation such as Isha Krya from Sadhguru where you focus on the third eye along with some powerful AUM chants, but you can also try crystals to balance all your chakras or get familiarized with the best essential oils for healing chakras.

In conclusion, I believe daily meditation is the best method to touch on your top chakras and help heal and open your Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra.

How to heal and balance your Crown chakra

The Crown chakra is located at the top of the head and represents our connection to the Divine. When this chakra is out of balance, it can cause a wide range of symptoms including depression, anxiety, headaches, and migraines.

To heal and balance your Crown chakra, you can practice meditation or visualize yourself in a place of peace, tranquility, and beauty. You can also try doing things that bring you joy such as spending time with loved ones or going on a vacation.

While healing your crown chakra it’s important to remember that it doesn’t work in isolation. It’s important to take care of all parts of your body! You also need to make sure that your diet is balanced with the best foods to balance all chakras. Lastly, meditation is a must for a healthy crown chakra and to help you feel more in tune with the higher power.

Now it’s time to have a quick look at the best crystals for each chakra and help balance all your chakras naturally with the power of these ancient healing stones.

If you are enjoying this article and want to learn more check out my other blog posts in this category or if you want to get even more serious about this, take a look at this 7 chakras book series to help you fully understand each of your chakras from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra.

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How to protect your chakras

To protect your chakras, follow a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. By treating your body well, you are taking care of your chakras and helping them to stay balanced.

Another way to protect your chakras is by cleaning them regularly. You can do this by visualizing each one being washed by a stream of water or light. You can also cleanse your chakras by wearing certain crystals, like those mentioned in this blog post.

Alternatively, you can also use crystal sets such as this one here, or even use essential oils sets specifically blended for chakra healing that you can find here.

Other things to help balance all your chakras

There are many ways to help balance and heal your chakras. Here are a few of them:

  1. Journaling is a great way to start understanding your emotions better. It’s an excellent way to get in touch with your feelings and express them in a healthy way
  2. Music therapy is another wonderful practice that helps you become more in tune with your emotions and helps to unblock all your chakras. Ideally, you want to choose music that helps you feel a certain emotion. So if you have sadness, you can listen to music that helps you feel relaxed, happy, and free
  3. Art therapy is also a great form of chakra healing. It is a type of therapy that uses the creative process of making art as a way to improve health
  4. Eco therapy is a new age therapy in which you use the healing powers of nature to better yourself. There are many ways to do this. For example, you can collect leaves, flowers, and other natural items and place them in a vase in your home. You can also sit outside and listen to the sounds of nature
  5. Dancing is another great way to help heal your chakras. It’s a wonderful exercise that allows you to express yourself and get in touch with your emotions
  6. Crying/Expressing your emotions is a great way to help your chakra heal, but only if you do it healthily. Too many people cry because they feel they have to and don’t allow themselves time to heal properly.
  7. Visualization can be extremely powerful if done consistently and intentionally. You can do a guided meditation with visualizations to help you get started. It is best to create your visualizations based on your circumstances, wants, and challenges.
  8. Meditation can come in many forms but if you are new to this you can do the simplest one: focus on your breath sitting in a meditation position and do it for at least 12 minutes. Start small with a few minutes each day and then increases it as you feel you can do more.
  9. Check out this amazing root chakra healing necklace to help heal the support of all your chakras.
  10. Martial arts again can come in many forms. If you want to do something pretty easy you should try Tai Chi as it is very good to help balance all your chakras and feel more in tune with your true self and be self-controlled and self-contained in any situation.

Note: If you are someone who is always in bad luck and seems like bad things always happen to you, check out this new offer for aura cleansing and help yourself get rid of any past negative energies that you might still be carrying. Click the link here to learn more.


Healing your chakras is a powerful way to help you ease anxiety, find more balance in your life, and improve your overall health. We have discussed the few things that are important chakras and how to heal them. Hopefully, this article helped you have a better understanding of how to balance all your chakras and what are these energy centers.

What are some of the techniques and tools that have helped you in balancing your chakras and improving your health? Do you do meditation? Yoga? Or are you using crystals to help heal your chakras? Let others know what worked for you so we can all get inspired and motivated to start our healing journey.

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